I have begun to make crazy patch blocks to be made into quilts! These are the first 5 of 16 blue ones I made... Somehow I forgot to take pics of the rest of them
These plus a scrap pieced long enough for the binding have been taken over by my mother who has the table space to put them all together and pin them for the quilting.
We will be selling these at a couple of local Pow Wow's for really a fraction of what they are worth but if we can recoup some funds we're happy.
Those that don't sell I will use my original plans of donating them to shelters and for its for the needy at Christmas Time.
These are the 16 blocks I've done up for the next Crazy Patch block quilt. I will leave it up to my mother as to what blocks goes where, etc. These ones I added a few center patches that have fairies on them as they were already cut from a project I was going to use them on and didn't.
These quilt blocks are all being made out of the drawers for scrap pieces of fabric that I have sorted into colours. The next one will be in pinks!