I've been inspired! I was in a mood of not knowing what I wanted to do.. I spent some time outside enjoying the wonderful weather and relaxing but then decided I needed to do something. I came in to get on with some stitching but decided I really didn't want to sit still just yet.
So I pulled out the fabrics I picked up recently for my Fall/Autumn RR. I went with the .6 M remnant piece that was in stripes of several different prints. I cut it in half and then cut each strip so that I have all the different prints. I then folded each strip to have 3 pieces and then cut them to make 6 all pretty much the same shape and size. So these were all made out of one .3M piece of fabric!
I then decided to make life easy and make each block the same and arranged the piles of pieces til I was satisfied they'd cover the blocks I was making.
Here's what the final 6 naked blocks look like.

Though I've not decided which they will go for now I've placed them all the same way. I will be letting each of the embellishers in the RR who will be working on them decide which way they'd like to put their block. I rather like the idea of them going in different ways.